НОВОСТИ ОБ ИСТРЕБЛЕНИИ БРОДЯЧИМИ СОБАКАМИ 2017 год. • Бродячие собаки становятся угрозой для оленей национального парка Читван в Непале.• Бродячие собаки нападают на оленей в окрестностях Массури. • Один из лесных оленей блуждающих за пределами леса в поисках воды пришел в район the NDA, где подвергся нападению бродячих собак. • Олень был убит в результате нападения бродячих собак. 2016 год. • Сильно израненный шестилетний олень покусанный бродячими• Чиновники выпустили в лес одомашненного оленя, спасенного от бродячих собак. • В Национальном парке имени Санджай Ганди собаки растерзали оленя. • Два оленя погибли в результате нападения бродячих собак в Мадхья-Прадеш и один в шт. Тамилнад. • Собаки растерзали 22 оленя в индийском штате Раджастан. • Студенты Университета в Хайдеробаде утверждают, что бродячие собаки за последние три месяца загрызли около 30 оленей в парке на территории кампуса. (Фото.) • Еще один олень из заповедника Шаравати погиб в результате нападения бродячих собак. (Фото.) • Оленей Университета в Мадрасе терроризируют бродячие собаки. (Фото.) • Ферма-ботанический сад Кадури в Гонконге принимает животных спасенных от бродячих собак. • Фермеры из села Мандала отбили олененка от стаи бродячих собак. (Фото.) • На территории Хайдерабадского университета от собак погиб очередной пятнистый олень. • Пятнистый олень упал в яму убегая от бродячих собак. (Фото.) • Огромные мусорные свалки в Индии порождают полчища бродячих собак. • В Индии новые случаи нападения собак на оленей. 2015 год. • В Индии 80% популяции антилопы гарна уничтожено бродячими собаками.• Редкий олень спасен от бродячих собак в штате Тамилнад.
В штате Керала, бродячие собаки стали настоящим кошмаром не только для людей, но и для диких животных.
Нападение стаи собак на оленя, который вышел из заповедника к населенному пункту, удалось заснять местным жителям. Они же отпугнули собак. Прибывшие на место чиновники лесного хозяйства увезли раненного оленя, но спасти его жизнь не удалось.
В индийском штате Раджастан бродячие собаки массово истребляют газелей беннетта.
Газель беннета, которую также называют чинкара, занесена в список исчезающих видов и находящаяся под охраной штата Раджастан. После муссонных дождей она становится жертвой многочисленных нападений бродячих собак. Как сообщил руководитель Центра спасения диких животных в Джодхпуре д-р Сингх Шраван Расор, в июле этого года не менее 160 диких животных были доставлены в их центр, 90% из них составляли газели чинкара. Из их числа только 10% газелей пострадали в ДТП, а в 90% случаев эти животные стали жертвами нападений бродячих собак, добавил он. Чинкара редкий вид антилопы, большая часть популяции которой сконцентрирована в западном Раджастане В последние годы, в связи с ростом численности бродячих собак, резко возросло число нападений собачьих стай на чинкару. "Эти инциденты, происходящие в основном в окрестностях деревень, не первый год являются большой проблемой", сказал глава Института охраны дикой природы Говинд Сагар Бхардвай. Как объяснил г-н Бхардвай, всплеск случаев нападений собак на газелей в это время года, объясняется тем, что после проливных дождей почва становится размытой из-за чего газели в ней вязнут и не могут быстро бегать, становясь легкой добычей для бродячих собак. Ужасное положение газелей усугубляется еще и тем, что фермеры устанавливают ограды из прозрачной сети для защиты крупного рогатого скота от собак, и газели, убегая от собак, попадают в эти сети, которые они не замечают. Таким образом газели попадают в ловушку и становятся жертвами собак. Г-н Бхардвай сообщил, что их институт провел исследования причин снижения численности чинкары. По их данным за последнее время зафиксировано 2 000 случаев травмирования и гибели чинкар, причиной 75% из которых явились нападения бродячих собак. Большинство таких нападений происходит в период дождей. По словам эксперта, если на чинкару напали собаки, у нее не остается шансов выжить. Исследования проведенные на кафедре зоологии Университета им. Джайя Нарьяна (Jai Narain Vyas University Bhagat Ki Kothi, Rajasthan) под руководством доцента, д-ра Хема Сингха Гелота, также показали, что основной причиной гибели чинкары является нападение бродячих собак. Как рассказал д-р Гелот их исследования показали, что из всех зафиксированных ими случаев гибели чинкар за период с 2002 по 2014 гг. 35% произошли в результате нападения бродячих собак и только 24% из-за ДТП. Эти исследования проводились в пустыне Тар на территории 2100 кв. км., в частности в районах Guda Vishnoian, Dhawa, Sathin, Nagur ki Rain villages. Популяция газели беннетта в 1980 году составляла 40 000 особей, а в настоящее время она составляет 15 000. Если раньше чинкары ходили стадами по 150-200 особей, то теперь их стайки не превышают 15-20 животных. Гелот добавил, что, если не принять срочных мер по сокращению численности бродячих собак, популяция чинкары будет продолжать снижаться. О чинкаре. Это маленькая азиатская антилопа. Она вырастает до 65 см и весит до 25 килограмм. Большинство самцов имеют очень короткие рога, хотя некоторые могут достигать 25-30 см. Эти газели встречаются в основном в пустыне Тар в Раджастхане. Их число сократилось в значительной степени, и они внесены в список исчезающих видов.
В иранском парке Соркхабад спасли оленя от собак.
Парк Соркхабад стал охраняемой территорией в 1996 году, он составляет около 122 618 га и расположен между северными и южными горами в провинции Занджана.
Пять оленей были убиты бродячими собаками в течение двух дней вблизи одного из поселков в индийском шт. Махараштра.
Сельские жители потребовали принять меры к защите оленей от нападений собак.
В национальном парке Кентинг на юге Тайваня бродячие собаки уничтожили стадо формозских пятнистых оленей. Заместитель директора парка Ли Дэн-Чжи сообщил о гибели не менее 300 оленей из-за браконьеров и бродячих собак. После этого сообщения был проведен осмотр территории парка с участием полицейских. Однако было обнаружено только 9 туш формозских оленей. Все они по заключению руководства парка были жертвами бродячих собак. По словам работников парка, это далеко не первый случай истребления оленей бродячими собаками. Кроме оленей нападениям также подвергались свиньи находящиеся на выпасе. Их останки также были обнаружены. Ли посетовал, что наказание за браконьерство слишком мягкое и его давно следует ужесточить. Также он отметил, что данный вид оленя нуждается в том, чтобы быть отнесенным к особо охраняемым видам. Формозский олень полностью вымер в дикой природе в 70-е годы и в 84-м этот вид восстановили. Однако сейчас некоторые эксперты подозревают, что тайваньский олень не достаточно чистокровен, и это мешает ему получить статус особо охраняемого вида. Однако Ли сказал, что его ведомство с этим не согласно и собирает доказательства чистокровности тайваньского оленя. По его словам на полуострове Хенгчун обитает около 2000 формозских оленей. Большинство из низ находится в национальном парке Кентинг. Ли также напомнил, что проект по выпуску формозских оленей выведенных в неволе в дикую природу был неудачным и 233 оленя погибло.
Беременная самка пятнистого оленя была убита собаками в деревне Калапади Чиновники природоохранного ведомства подтвердили после вскрытия, что животное погибло в результате нападения собак. Оленя похоронили в лесном массиве расположенном неподалеку.
Олененок умер от сердечного приступа после нападения на него бродячих собак.
Олененка, спасающегося от собак, заметил мальчик по имени Шраван. Он позвал отца, который бросился к месту происшествия и разогнал собак. Однако, олененок не в состоянии был пошевелиться и сильно задыхался. Через несколько минут его силы полностью иссякли и он умер. Прибывшие на место чиновники забрали тело. Олененку было около 4 месяцев. Местные жители посетовали, что угроза бродячих собак растет день ото дня в этом районе и что властям необходимо обратить пристальное внимание на это и принять надлежащие меры по решению этой проблемы.
Из-за бродячих собак погиб пятнистый олень в Матхуре
Убегая от собак, искусанное животное застряло в заборе и дополнительно к ранам от собачьих укусов, получило травмы порезавшись острыми частями забора. Местные жители отогнали собак, однако олень вскоре от полученных травм скончался.
В Кашмире спасена двухлетняя самка оленя, которая убегая от собак провалилась в яму.
На ногах и спине животного были выявлены многочисленные ранения нанесенные собаками. Оленя обнаружили местные жители, которые услышали крики оленя и лай преследовавших его собак, спасаясь от которых олень и попал в яму. После обработки ран и введения лекарств, животное быстро стало поправляться, что удивило ветеринаров. По их опыту подобные ранения у оленей приводят к летальному исходу из-за шока. После полного выздоровления животное выпустят в джунглях. Injured deer trapped in Kashimira nullah rescued A two-year-old female deer was rescued by a Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation (MBMC) corporator from a cattle dung-filled nullah near Kashimira. He immediately rushed the hapless animal to the Sanjay Gandhi National Park (SGNP) animal health-care centre, where a team of veterinary doctors attended to it. The deer had sustained injuries on its legs and back. After initial treatment, the vets were surprised by its quick recovery as members of the Cervidae family suffer trauma if they are captured or attacked. At times, such traumatic experience proves fatal for them. The deer's life was saved after Kashimira corporator Anil Bhosle was informed by locals about the animal sinking in the nullah. Bhosle rushed to the spot and, taking help from the locals, pulled the dear out of the slushy cattle dung flowing in the nullah. In fact, the locals were alerted by the cries of the deer which had apparently fallen into the nullah after being chased by barking stray dogs. "After reaching the spot, I saw the deer was neck deep in cattle dung and was unable to breathe. We rescued it using ropes and informed SGNP vets," said Bhosle. Calling it a proud moment of rescue, SGNP veterinary officer Dr Sanjiv Pinjarkar said, "Soon after the deer was brought to us, we tranquilised it, put it on drips and administered some life-saving drugs. Fortunately, it recovered in less than two hours. Our team was very happy to see the deer recover as, normally, members of the Cervidae family go into trauma and shock, leading to their death." Once the female deer was fit enough, it was released into the jungle for quicker recovery because it's difficult for these animals to get over shock in captivity, said Pinjarakar.
Двухлетний олень был убит бродячими собаками в районе Мумбаи
Олень пришел в город в поисках воды, где был замечен стаей бродячих собак, которые напали на него и убили. По словам работников SGNP такие инциденты обычно происходят из-за того, что олени приходят в населенные пункты в поисках воды. Stray dogs kill deer near Sanjay Gandhi National Park A two-year-old deer was killed by strays at Malad on Sunday evening. The incident saw the herbivore entering a slum close to Sanjay Gandhi National Park (SGNP) in search of water. However, it was spotted by a group of stray dogs, which attacked and killed it. Locals informed forest officers, who took the body away. According to SNGP official, summer season compels wild animals to move to places in search of water and shade, which leads to such incidents. Meanwhile, another deer was also found injured near the National Highway stretch in Mira Road area amidst the SGNP forest cover. It was presumed that the deer was hit by a vehicle while crossing the road. It is currently under the medical care at SGNP's veterinary clinic.
Намечен план переселения оленей из Нары в заповедники.
Причина переселения оленей - постоянная угроза нападений на них бродячих собак, а так же браконьерство. Собаки постоянно нападают на оленей и убивают их. С тех пор как в Наре появились населенные пункты олени фактически находятся здесь в ловушке и со всех сторон окружены опасностью. Кроме того они зачастую приходят на огороды кормиться. Немаловажным обстоятельством является то, что перечисленные особо охраняемые природные территории имеют крупных хищников, таких как тигры и леопарды, но скудную для них кормовую базу. Plan ready to shift Nara depot deer Nagpur: Putting all speculations to rest, the 150-200 deer stranded in Nara Depot of the forest department on Koradi Road would be released in three wildlife sanctuaries. Principal chief conservator of forests (PCCF) for wildlife Sarjan Bhagat on Wednesday said the deer would be released in equal numbers in Umred-Karhandla Wildlife Sanctuary, Navegaon National Park in Gondia and in Saleghat range of Mansinghdeo Wildlife Sanctuary. "All the deer will be shifted prior to monsoon," said Bhagat. Over 150 deer in Nara are facing threat from stray dogs and human poachers moving inside the depot. The dogs have been attacking the deer and killing them. The deer are virtually trapped from all sides as human settlements have come up. After a site visit last month, APCCF (wildlife) Meyipokyim Aier in his report submitted to Bhagat had recommended relocation of deer in Nara. Accordingly, a final decision has been taken on Wednesday. In the recent past, security of the deer has been stepped up to protect them from stray dogs. The herbivores are also being fed cabbage leaves from April 16. With PCCF (wildlife) giving a final nod, Umred-Karhandla and Navegaon will get a boost. Both the protected areas (PAs) have large carnivores like leopards and tigers but poor prey base. "The shifting of deer will help increase herbivore population in these parks and maintain ecological balance and reduce conflict," experts said.
Трехлетнего оленя загнали в город Нагпур (Индия, штат Махараштра) напавшие на него бродячие собаки.
Это не первый случай когда прибежавшие в город олени погибали от нанесенных ран. Такие случаи имели место в областях Besa, Hudkeshwar and Sonegaon. Dogs attack, kill spotted deer in Besa Nagpur: A spotted deer died after being attacked by a pack of dogs at Jaywant Nagar, Besa Road, in the wee hours of Wednesday. The age of the male deer is between two to three years. Local resident Vivek Jumde woke up around 2am, disturbed by continuous barking of dogs in the area. After stepping out, he saw that the dogs attacking the deer and immediately shooed them away. However, by then, the deer was severely injured. Jumde informed animal welfare NGO 'Help for Animal' on their helpline number. When the members rushed to the spot, they found that the deer had deep cuts near the neck and legs and they informed the forest department about the incident. Ajni police's patrolling van also reached the spot but by then the injured animal had died. Officials of forest department sent the body for post mortem after carrying out the panchnama. This is not the first time that a wild animal has died after straying into city limits. Such incidents have been taking place in areas such as Besa, Hudkeshwar and Sonegaon.
В Хайдаробаде бродячие собаки загрызли двух пятнистых оленей
Обеспокоенные специалисты по охране природы из The Varsity рассказали, что в окрестностях Университета охоту собак на оленей они наблюдали около трех недель и что по их данным бродячих собак используют браконьеры, чтобы забирать туши загрызенных животных. Студенты Университета сняли нападение собак на оленя на видео. Пока в интернете имеется только фото. Jillapalli Ravi, ученый-исследователь из Департамента охраны природы сообщил, что он неоднократно находил на территории Университета капканы и другие ловушки для кабанов, кроликов, варанов и птиц, а также встречал подозрительных лиц не имеющие никакого отношения к университету. Ученый подозревает в использовании собак для охоты человека по имени Ашок, который неоднократно был замечен возле собак и даже попал в объектив видеокамеры при охоте собак на оленей.
Олень покусанный собаками пришел умирать в город.
В зоопарк Дехивала в Коломбо (Шри-Ланка) проникла стая бродячих собак и убила 13 мышиных оленей.
Истребление собаками диких животных в заповедниках Индии
Когда подоспели люди, мы сумели отогнать собак. Нильгау был жив, хотя сильно ослабел. Позже мы увидели, что собаки опять пришли и добили его." Сотрудники парка, так же как в сущности и все остальные чиновники призванные охранять дикую природу Индии, привыкли к гибели животных, они почти смирились с хищничеством собак и очень мало делают, чтобы остановить это.
Were one to pen a nippy ode to the passions of the urbane stray dog advocacy groups, it would perhaps run something like this: More barks less bytes, Ignorance is bliss, When sealed, With a dog's kiss! Indeed, such activists bristle with rage at the suggestion of wildlife field researchers that free-ranging dogs be removed from jungles as they adversely bear upon wild creatures. Activists holler that humans have displaced dogs from their natural habitats. Some activists offer the lame-duck solution of sterilisations and vaccinations without realising how ineffective these measures are in controlling these virtually unowned killer dogs that roam the wilderness. But what exactly is the scientific profiling and evolutionary history of such dogs? Dogs (Canis familiaris) are the world's most common carnivores, and have been introduced by humans everywhere. Abi Tamim Vanak, PhD, and a fellow at both the National Environmental Sciences Programme, MOEF, and Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation, ATREE, Bangalore, answered my query thus: "The most recent evidence points out that wolves and modern domestic dogs shared a common ancestor. There is nothing genetically unique about free-ranging dogs in India. They do not form a distinct subclade, and there is very little evidence for such a thing as an Indian native dog. They are part of the same clade as seen all over Western Europe, Asia etc. Domestic dogs are commensals of humans, and are heavily subsidised by humans in terms of direct feeding, garbage, human waste, and livestock carcasses. Thus, they occur at unnaturally high densities for a medium-sized predator. If there was a situation, wherein truly feral dogs (that received no subsidy from humans) survived by hunting wild prey in areas where there were no longer wild carnivores, then dogs would be filling a niche. However, there are very rare cases of this in the world. The only large-scale case, where dogs have gone feral and become a part of the ecosystem, is the Dingos in Australia, but not before Dingos themselves played a part in the extirpation of some marsupial carnivores." DOG IN THE MANGLER One of the finest photo-documentation's of free-ranging dogs killing wild animals is the one by Vickey Chauhan. He came upon a neelgai (Blue bull) that was being savaged by dogs from a nearby village at the Indroda Nature Park, Gandhinagar (Gujarat). Chauhan had gone to click migratory birds when he saw the neelgai cornered in the water. "It was like a cow's calf screaming in agony and helplessness. The dogs were tearing away the flesh even as the neelgai was alive. I summoned help as I feared the dogs would attack me as they looked strong and blood-thirsty. There were about five dogs in the water and seven waited outside. As reinforcements arrived, we were able to chase away the dogs. The injured neelgai staggered away but we saw the dogs had got it later and were eating it," recounts Chauhan. The dogs were habituated to killing wild animals. The park's staff, as is the case with forest officials in many other wilderness areas of India, are resigned to the dogs' predation and do little to stop this. LEPERS IN THE WILD Wildlife researchers cite well-documented cases of dogs posing hazards to global wildlife as they are carriers of diseases. In Issue 7.4 of the journal, Current Conservation, the eminent veterinarian, Aniruddha V Belsare, writes: "Dog-transmitted rabies poses a conservation threat. Introduction of canine rabies resulted in the local extinction of African wild dog populations in the Serengeti-Mara system (Tanzania/Kenya) in 1989; similar spillover events have resulted in dramatic population declines of the Ethiopian wolf population in the 1990s. Several other multi-host pathogens can also persist in large dog populations. Dogs have been implicated as a source of canine parvovirus (CPV), contributing to Grey wolf mortality on Isle Royale, and as a potential source of canine adenovirus (CAV) transmitted to Maned wolves in Bolivia. The most infamous canine distemper virus (CDV) epidemic occurred in the Serengeti in 1994, wiping out a third of all lions and many hyenas, leopards and bat-eared foxes. Several other species, including African wild dogs, Caspian sea seals and Lake Baikal seals, have also experienced high mortality rates as a result of CDV introduced from dogs. Domestic dogs may be the source of CDV infections that have recently been reported to impact endangered Amur tigers living in the Russian Far East." We can only shudder at the effect were such doggy diseases to hit the Asiatic lion in its lone bastion of the Gir forests. 2013 Пятнистый олень умер от травм, полученных в результате нападения бродячих собак (штат Vandalur).
Сотрудники лесного министерства считают, что к нападению на оленя причастна местная стая из 4 собак, которая напала на животное и нанесла ему глубокие травмы. По словам чиновников, погибшему самцу оленя было около 4 лет. В заповедных лесах вокруг Tambaram, зафиксировано уже несколько случаев нападения бродячих собак на оленей. В жаркие летние дни олени вынуждены совершать опасные выходы из леса в поисках воды. На этих открытых пространствах они привлекают внимание собак, спасаясь от которых, копытные часто выбегают на дорогу и попадают под колеса транспортных средств на трассе Vandalur-Kelambakkam. Еще один олень из заповедника попал в колодец в селе Aasoor, района Kancheepuram и был спасен местными жителями и пожарно-спасательной службой. Животное было позже передано в отдел природопользования. (Фото: B. Jothi Ramalingam) In another incident, a spotted deer that strayed from a reserve forest and fell into a well in an agriculture field in Aasoor village, Kancheepuram district, was rescued by locals and the fire and rescue services personnel on Saturday. The animal was later handed over to the wildlife department — Photo: B. Jothi Ramalingam An adult spotted deer died of injuries sustained from dog bites at Arungal village inside Vandalur reserve forest area near Tambaram. Residents of the village noticed the carcass on Saturday morning. Forest department officials carried it to the animal hospital inside Arignar Anna Zoological Park, Vandalur. It was buried later in the day. Officials suspect a pack of about four dogs may have chased the deer and attacked it on its rear causing deep injuries. The male deer was about 4 years old, an official said. There have been several instances of dogs attacking spotted deer, also known as chital (Axis axis), in the reserve forests around Tambaram. The animals are found in abundance in the reserve forests of Vandalur, Maaganiyam and Kaayar that come under Tambaram forest range, and also in the neighbouring forests. There are plenty of spotted dear in these forests due to the lush green vegetation. According to the forest department, the population of the deer has increased considerably over the past 5 years in the reserve forests around Tambaram. During hot summer days, when there is a scarcity of water, the spotted deer venture out of the forest areas. In recent times, dog attacks apart, there have been several instances of the gentle, docile animals being hit by speeding vehicles on Vandalur–Kelambakkam Road.
Местные жители спасли замбара от бродячих собак
В субботу в 8.30 утра местный подросток увидел, как стая собак набросилась на замбара. Мальчику удалось с помощью камней отогнать собак. Подоспевшие местные жители вызвали полицию. До приезда сотрудников департамента мальчик обработал раны животному. Инспектор по охране дикой природы, Jaibir Singh, сообщил, что животное будет выпущено в охраняемой зоне Panchkula после его надлежащего лечения. A wild sambar strayed into the residential area of Mansa Devi complex and was rescued by the locals Saturday after prowling stary dogs attacked the animal. The sambar was rescued after a morning walker and a boy came across a a group of stray dogs attacking the deer. The wild Sambar was released into the wildlife sanctuary in the outskirts of the city Saturday morning. Local resident Sandeep Sethi, who was on a routine walk, came across the unusual scene of dogs pouncing on an animal. On closer scrutiny he found that a Sambar was being attacked and he and a local boy, Anirudh, hurled stones at the dogs. "It was around 8.15 am when I witnessed the Sambar was being attacked. Armed with stones, me and a local boy made the dogs flee from the spot. Soon local residents assembled and we called up the police which reached the spot to rescue the animal," he said. The boy got the first aid kit from his house and the wounds of the animal were nursed before police and wildlife officials came to the spot and took away the Sambar. Local resident and deputy advocate general, Rajeev Kawatra, said that he called up police and wildlife officials who took away the Sambar. "It was really heart-wrenching scene when we found the animal in the residential area being attacked by the dogs. The animal proabably strayed into the area from behind the forest range," he said. After the local police and wildlife officials were informed they came to the area and took away the Sambar in a police gypsy before it was released into the protected area. Inspector wildlife, Jaibir Singh, said that the animal was released into the wildlife area at Panchkula after its proper treatment was done . "It is an open wildlife sanctuary. The wounds of the animal were nursed and after it became stable the animal was released into the protected area." he said.
Бродячие собаки загрызли 6 оленей в зоопарке Arignar Anna
Еще нескольким оленям, также пострадавшим от собак, оказывается ветеринарная помощь. Это уже не первый случай, когда дикие собаки нападают на оленей в зоопарке. Недавно сотрудники зоопарка сообщили о том, что им удалось поймать 10 собак, проникших на территорию зоопарка. Однако другие собаки по-прежнему продолжают совершать нападения на животных. Chennai: Wildlife authorities on Tuesday hushed up the death of over six spotted deer killed by stray dogs in Vandalur reserve forest area bordering the Aringnar Anna Zoological Park. The situation is alarming and a few more deer mauled by the stray dogs are serious and are attended by zoo veterinarians, confidential wildlife sources said. This is not the first time that feral stray dogs are targeting the hapless ungulates. Recently, the forest department also pressed gypsies to trap the dogs and about 10 dogs were caught and moved out of the forest area. However the dogs continue to target deer population, sources added. Zoo fficials throughout the day maintained silence and refusedto share any details. When contacted, zoo director K.S.S.V.P. Reddy admitted that a few stray dogs have mauled free roaming deer located inside the Vandalur reserve forest. All the zoo animals are intact and the director also denied any major deaths of deer due to stray dogs’ attack. Meanwhile, a local ranger also denied any such deer deaths.
3 мертвых оленя обнаружены вблизи Velachery, Tambaram
Сотрудники Департамента лесного хозяйства заявили, что погибшая олениха накануне была замечена за пределами леса, откуда она вышла, вероятно в поисках воды. Именно здесь вероятно ее начали преследовать и затем убили бродяие собаки. Тело животного с тяжелыми травмами первыми обнаружили местные жители. Случаи нападения бродячих собак на оленей не являются новостью в Guindy. В докладе Департамента лесного хозяйства 2007 года отмечается, что нападения собак на оленей в парке Guindy в последнее время участились. Отмечаются также случаи попадания оленей под колеса автомобилей. В докладе говориться о планах по улучшению сбора питьевой воды внутри парка, чтобы избежать опасного выхода оленей за его пределы. Представитель Blue Cross Индии Дон Уильямс отметил, что в прошлом нападений собак на оленей в районе не наблюдалось и что бродячие собаки чаще нападают на раненых и больных оленей. CHENNAI: The carcasses of three spotted deer were found near two forest reserves in the city on Friday. While two were recovered from Selaiyur near Tambaram, the body of a four-year-old female deer was found near the Raj Bhavan campus. Forest department sources said the deer, whose body was first spotted near a church on Gandhi Salai in Velachery close to the Raj Bhavan campus, was probably killed by stray dogs. "It could have been chased and killed when it came out of the Raj Bhavan campus, part of the Guindy National Park, in search of water. The area, which has the status of a reserve forest, has a large deer population," said an official. Residents who spotted the body, with severe injuries on the thigh, alerted the police control room. The cause of death of the two deer in Selaiyur is yet to be ascertained. The carcasses of all the three deer were buried inside the children's park in Guindy. Forest department officials in charge of the area, however, refused to confirm the report. Incidents of deer being killed by stray dogs and accidents are not new in the city. A report by the forest department in 2007 said that dog attacks on spotted deer in the Guindy forest region had increased over the years. In the last four years, several deer had been killed in the Guindy area by speeding vehicles. According to the latest report from the forest department, a population of 1,197 deer has been registered in the Guindy National Park area, while the Tambaram-Selaiyur forest area, adjacent to the Madras Christian College and the Air Force base, has a population of more than 400 deer. Earlier, the forest department had plans to improve rainwater harvesting inside the Guindy National Park, declared a reserve forest area in 1910 under the Madras Forest Act, to avoid animals venturing out of the campus in search of water. Some animal experts say attacks by stray dogs had not been noticed in the area in the recent past. "Also, it is difficult for dogs to chase and attack a deer. Normally dogs attack deer when they are injured or sick," said Don Williams of Blue Cross of India.
Спасение оленя A chital deer, which was attacked by stray dogs at Etgaon village in Basrehar block of Etawah district late on Sunday night, was handed over to Forest department before being rescued by villagers and volunteers of society for conservation of nature.
Бродячие собаки загрызли стадо антилоп гарна в зоопарке города Канпур По словам бывшего директора зоопарка Правина Рао, которого уже отправил в отставку лично главный министр Уттар-Прадеша Акшилеш Ядав, останки животных были обнаружены в ходе утренней проверки. Собаки также находились в загоне, в котором обитали всего 38 винторогих антилоп. Семи особям удалось спрятаться. Они не пострадали. Администрация зоопарка начала расследование инцидента. Уволены все трое ночных охранников, которые недосмотрели за животными. Гарны являются млекопитающими из семейства полорогих и обитают на всех плато и равнинах Индии, а также в Пакистане, Бангладеш, Непале, Мьянме и Иране. Несколько десятков винторогих антилоп можно встретить на обширной территории вокруг гробницы императора Акбара по пути в Агру. Они привлекают многочисленных туристов и уже сами стали здесь в некотором роде достопримечательностями. Гарна - национальное животное Индии, особо охраняемый вид. Согласно индуистской мифологии гарна дарует процветание тому месту, где обитает. Она является ваханой (транспортным средством) богини Луны. Тигры и леопарды, зная о чуткости и ловкости гарны, очень редко на неё охотятся. Только красные волки и особенно бродячие собаки являются настоящим кошмаром для гарны. Именно они и браконьеры повинны в сокращении ее численности.
Более 10 оленей растерзано бродячими собаками в зоопарке Arignar Anna
Во вторник около 4 часов утра сотрудники зоопарка обнаружили 10 растерзанных оленей мертвыми. Еще 4 были ранены, их передали в ветеринарную больницу зоопарка. Сотрудники зоопарка сообщили, что нападение на животных возможно совершилось не в один день. На прошлой неделе, также были обнаружены раненные олени, после чего сотрудники зоопарка начали интенсивный поиск собак. Однако поймать удалось лишь несколько собак-разбойников. More than a dozen spotted deer were killed by dogs in the free range zone of the Arignar Anna Zoological Park at Vandalur on Tuesday Tuesday’s incident was the second such attack on deer in the open area of the zoo. In October 2008, a dozen spotted deer were killed by a pack of jackals in the open area. Around 4 a.m. on Tuesday, zoo officials during routine rounds found a large number of deer lying injured. Immediately, zoo vets were alerted. Officials found more than a dozen spotted deer dead. Four injured deer were shifted to the veterinary hospital on the zoo premises. A post-mortem was conducted but the results were not disclosed. The bodies were cremated as per procedure, officials said. The killings might have not happened on one day and could have taken place some time ago, said a zoo official. The dogs might have come in a pack. As deer are sensitive to small injuries, many deer might have succumbed later. The incident comes less than a fortnight after Chief Minister Jayalalithaa visited the zoo to name seven tiger cubs. “Such killings or injuries to deer in the open space in the zoo occur often, say, once a fortnight. At least, two deer get killed or seriously injured. This time, the casualty has gone up,” said another zoo official. Zoo sources said for a week now, 13 dogs had been roaming in the open space, where spotted deer and jackals are left in their natural environment. The dogs, the sources added, are mostly domesticated by residents in the neighbourhood and kept for safeguard of their cattle and paddy fields. The dogs might have sneaked into the zoo premises, the officials said. Last week, after some deer were found injured officials launched an intense search but were able to trap only a few rogue dogs. “These dogs are domesticated dogs but are well trained in hunting animals. As the zoo is a vast area comprising the reserve forest, it has been a challenge to locate the dogs,” said another zoo official. Senior officials, however denied that there were any deaths, but admitted that a few deer were injured. “No death of deer in the zoo premises,” said assistant director and public relations officer of the zoo, Sudhakar. Currently, around 700 spotted deer are found in the reserve forest area. Apart from this, there are five enclosures where five types of deer including blackbuck, spotted deer and sambar are kept. Each enclosure has 50 animals.
Умер олень покусаный бродячими собаками
В полиции рассказали, что фермер Сомасундарам из села Vanganur расположенном вблизи Tiruttani был разбужен громким лаем собак. Придя на лай, он обнаружил оленя, окруженного стаей собак терзающих его. Сомасундарам и другие местные жители отогнали собак и принесли оленя в дом, вызвав затем лесную инспекцию. Однако чиновники прибыли только в 7 утра, к этому времени олень умер от травм. В последнее время несколько животных, особенно оленей, выходили из лесных районов в поисках воды, что не редко заканчивалось трагически. Один олень был убит шальной собакой возле Sriperumbudur, а другой был загрызен около Guduvancherry. Также олень сбит поездом при попытке пересечь железнодорожные пути вблизи Perunkalathur. Еще два оленя были найдены мертвыми около Vandalur и Tambaram. Причиной смерти последних стали укусы бродячих собак. CHENNAI: A spotted deer bitten by stray dogs died on Sunday near Tiruttani, about 84kmfrom here, as forest department officials were unable to arrive at the spot on time. Police said farmer Somasundaram of Vanganur village near Tiruttani was woken up in the middle of the night by the sound of stray dogs barking furiously. He went towards the place from where the sounds were coming and found a deer surrounded by stray dogs that were biting the lonely animal in the back. Somasundaram and a few other villagers chased away the dogs and kept the deer in a house at the village before informing the forest department around 10pm. After waiting a while, the villagers returned to their beds. Forest department official Vasudevan and village administrative officer Manikandan arrived in the village around 7am on Sunday. By the time, the wounded deer was dead. The body was sent to the forest office in Tiruttani where it was cremated. Of late, several animals, especially deer, have been coming out of forest areas in search of food and water and many have been landing in trouble. A deer was killed by a stray dog near Sriperumbudur, while another was killed near Guduvancherry. A deer was killed by an EMU train while trying to cross the railway tracks near Perunkalathur. Two more deer were found dead near Vandalur and Tambaram in separate incidents but the cause of death was the same - stray dog bites. Бродячие собаки убивают оленей в парке Betla
Инцидент произошел вблизи Nawa Bandh в парке на территории Palamu Tiger Reserve (PTR) куда олень пришел на водопой. Здесь бродячие собаки часто подстерегают оленей. И на этот раз они набросились на оленя и убили его. Тело животного направлено на вскрытие. DALTONGANJ: A male deer of the Betla National Park was killed by stray dogs early on Thursday. Sources said the incident took place near Nawa Bandh in the park, which comes under the jurisdiction of the Palamu Tiger Reserve (PTR). The deer had gone there to drink water. On finding the deer alone, some stray dogs pounced upon it and killed it. SEH Kazmi, field director of PTR, said, "The body of the deer will be sent for an autopsy before being buried with its hide intact." 2012
Олень растерзанный собаками был найден в Mysore По всей вероятности собаки атаковали олениху 5-6 лет накануне ночью или рано утром. Оба уха у животного были отгрызены. Пятнистые олени последнее время часто спускаются с предгорья к человеческому жилью, в связи с чем происходят трагические инциденты. По крайней мере, три раза, за последнее время, олени были здесь искусаны собаками до смерти. Департамент лесного хозяйства обратился в местные городские службы с просьбой поверить район на наличие опасности бродячих собак. Two days after a stag was mauled to death by a pack of dogs on the foot of Chamundi Hills, a spotted female deer met with a similar end near a resort in the same area, and its carcass with dog bite marks was found on Sunday. It is suspected that the deer, aged 5-6 years, might have been attacked by dogs on Saturday night or in the early hours of Sunday. Both ears of the deer had been bitten off. As the possibilities of the deer straying from the Chamundi hills are remote, forest authorities are suspecting that the wild species may have been reared in the vicinity. A team of forest personnel are combing the foothills as there was information that a herd of deer, about five in number, were spotted here a few days ago. Spotted deer straying into human habitation is becoming common here, going by the incidents reported in the last one year. At least three times, deers had been mauled to death by dogs. Assistant Conservator of Forests Durge Gowda, who visited the spot, told The Hindu that the department had taken the issue seriously. “We are assessing how they strayed into human habitation. I don’t think they strayed from Arabitittu forests as they far from the city,” he said. Sources said the Forest Department was likely to request the Mysore City Corporation to check the menace of stray dogs in and around the foothills.
Собаки убили оленя
По словам местных жителей, работник молочной фермы и другие жители деревни пытались спасти оленя. На рассвете они обнаружили бродячих собак, преследующих травмированного оленя возле молочной фермы. Искусанный, преследуемый собаками олень, упал в яму. Позже, олень скончался от травм. Chamarajanagar: A pack of six stray dogs mauled a deer in Honganuru village, near here. According to locals, a milkman and other villagers tried to rescue the deer. The villagers found s Chamarajanagar: A pack of six stray dogs mauled a deer in Honganuru village, near here. According to locals, a milkman and other villagers tried to rescue the deer. The villagers found stray dogs chasing an injured deer near Milk Producers Cooperative Society premises in the wee hours of Wednesday. The deer was bitten by the stray dogs when it fell into a pit. It was bought inside the Milk Producers Cooperative for first aid. Later, the deer succumbed to injuries.
Оленя растерзали собаки
Несмотря на усилия ветеринаров и сотрудников департамента лесного хозяйства самец оленя умер от укусов в течение нескольких часов в воскресенье. Это второй олень в районе подвергшийся нападению собак за последний месяц. По мнению чиновников лесного департамента, олени впадают в панику при встрече с собаками, что часто приводит к их гибели. Чиновники лесного департамента отметили, что к трагическим последствиям для оленей приводит отсутствие водоемов в лесу, что заставляет животных выходить из леса на поиски воды, где они привлекают внимание бродячих собак. A three-year-old deer that strayed into Veppanthattai town in search of water was mauled by stray dogs. Despite efforts by veterinary doctors and forest officials, the male deer died of bites within a couple of hours on Sunday after being rescued by the villagers. This is one of the two instances in the last one month, when deer were mauled to death by dogs in the district. According to forest department officials, the deer is more prone to panic which often results in their death. Search for water Sources said that the deer came out in search of water from the forest areas. The major villages which account for a good population of deer include Venbavur, Pillankulam and Kaikalathur. The absence of any carnivores such as tiger or wild dogs to prowl upon the deer in the forest areas of Perambalur was one of the reasons contributing to the increase in the number of deer in the district. Further, villagers rear dogs exclusively for the purpose of hunting rabbits. “These dogs, under normal conditions, look like domestic or street dogs. But, on sighting a deer, one can observe its behavioural change in chasing a deer to bite it,” say the sources. Tale of woes Farmers, especially maize growers, have their own tale of woes. They complain that the deer cause extensive damage to maize especially when the crop was ready for harvest. A section of villagers of Veppanthattai say that a solar fence set up a few years ago was not effective in checking the movement of deer outside the forest areas. Forest department sources said that compensation was being disbursed to the affected farmers after due inspection by the agriculture department officials. The solar fence had been damaged by the villagers for the purpose of goat rearing.
На помощь
Wildlife officials and vets hold an injured fawn of Musk deer after treating it after it was rescued by locals from the clutches of stray dogs on October 24, 2012 on the outskirts of Srinagar, the summer capital of Indian Administered Kashmir.
Бродячие собаки нападают на павлинов и оленей
Подобные случаи были также зарегистрированы в охраняемых районах Nannaj, Rehekuri и Bhimashankar. Там бродячие собаки преследовали антилоп гарна, газелей бенетти (chinkaras) и больших индийских дроф. А в области Konkan, от нападений собак страдают перелетные птицы. Недавно на конференции посвященной вопросам охраны фауны, руководители природоохранных организаций и ведомств говорили о необходимости принятия соответствующих мер в этом вопросе. Глава ведомства по охране дикой природы рассказал, что в области Khadakwasla недавно опять был загрызен собаками олень. Он отметил, что проблема не ограничивается городскими районами, но актуальна для заповедников. В области Konkan, перелетные птицы делают остановку и подвергаются нападениям бродячих собак. По словам чиновника, бродячие собаки становятся все агрессивнее и необходимо принять незамедлительные меры по контролю над ними. Ajay Kulkarni, житель Warje, рассказал, что кормит павлинов в лесной зоне и постоянно наблюдает нападение на них собак. Kishor Rithe, член национального совета Wild Life сказал, что по всей стране, где обитают травоядные животные, нападение на них бродячих собак является серьезной проблемой. В районах Gadchirolit, Melghat, Chandrapur и Maharashtra обитают стаи по 25-30 особей, которые выслеживают копытных, представляя для них серьезную угрозу. Поднимался вопрос об увеличении источников воды в лесной зоне, для предупреждения выхода оленей из леса к озеру Khadakwasla, а также о необходимости стерилизации бродячих собак. PUNE: Several cases of stray dogs attacking and killing spotted deer, peacocks and hare have been reported from hills in and around Pune and Khadakwasla. Similar cases have also been reported from protected areas such as Nannaj, Rehekuri and Bhimashankar where stray dogs have chased blackbucks, chinkaras and great Indian bustards. In the Konkan area, migratory birds are in danger from stray dogs. Pune wildlife wardens Anuj Khare and Kiran Purandare and president of Creative Foundation Sandeep Khardekar have raised the issue with MP Vandana Chavan and Pravinsinh Pardeshi, principal secretary, forests, and urged them to take appropriate steps in the matter. "We have requested them to discuss the issue with the Animal Welfare Board members and come up with a solution," they said. Khare, who is the honorary wildlife warden, Pune, told TOI that the National Defence Academy area supports a good population of spotted deer. "A spotted deer was recently found dead in the Khadakwasla area. Local residents said it had been killed by a stray dog." He said the problem is not limited to urban areas, but is rampant even in protected areas. "It has been observed that the stray dogs generally roam in packs and are aggressive. They are becoming a nuisance and need to be controlled at the earliest. In the Konkan area, migratory birds making a stop are chased and sometimes killed by stray dogs,'' he said. Khardekar said at least nine cases of animals being chased by packs of dogs were reported this year from NDA, Uttamnagar and Karvenagar areas and several others were reported from Vetal tekdi, Karvenagar and MIT area. Ajay Kulkarni, a resident of Warje, who feeds the peacocks that come to the MIT tekdi forest area, said, "I have been coming to the forest area to feed the peacocks since the last several years. There are around 400 peacocks here and stray dogs often chase them around." Kishor Rithe, member, National Board for Wild Life, pointed out that dogs chasing and killing animals was a serious issue across the country where the herbivore population is doing well. Rithe said, "It is a practice in tribal areas of Gadchiroli district, Melghat and Chandrapur district, among other places in Maharashtra, to use a pack of 25-30 dogs to hunt down herbivore meat of cheetal and other deer. This practice poses a threat and needs to be checked." Nitin Kakodkar, chief conservator of forests, Pune, said he was aware of the issue and the department was working on it. "In Khadakwasla area, there is a good population of spotted deer. Several cases, especially of spotted deer being chased and killed by dogs, have been reported. During summer, they come to drink water in the Khadakwasla lake and are chased by dogs. So we plan to increase the water sources in the forest area, so that the deer do not have to come to the lake," he added. When contacted, Pardeshi said, "The Supreme Court has banned killing stray dogs so we are pushing the corporation to capture male dogs and sterilise them. This will help reduce the stray dog population." Manoj Oswal, Animal Welfare Board officer, Pune, said they receive several calls from individuals in the NDA area about animals being chased by stray dogs. In some instances, injured animals have been taken to the Katraj zoo. "We wrote to the NDA authorities and they accepted our proposal to sterilise the dogs and bear the expenses. Already, People for Animals has made three rounds and captured, sterilised and released stray dogs in the NDA area Two-three dogs, which were found to be aggressive, have keen kept at the Nehrunagar pound," he said.
Нападения бродячих собак на диких животных в восточной части Sikkim
Как сообщил директор заповедника Pangolakha 6 мая около 11 часов вечера бродячие собаки напали на лающего оленя в лесу неподалеку от Aritar в Rongli. Жители поселка заметили оленя и отбили его от собак. На следующий день рано утром оленя доставили в ветеринарную клинику в Rhenock, где он пробыл сутки, после чего оленя повезли в зоопарк в Bulbulay для дальнейшего лечения. Однако спасти животное не удалось. У оленя были укусы на шее и ногах. Участковый лесничий Ravi Kumar заявил, что на прошлой неделе поступило особенно много сообщений о нападении бродячих собак на оленей и других животных. Большинство сообщений из Восточного округа. GANGTOK, 07 May: An adult male Barking Deer which was wounded in an attack by feral dogs in Aritar above Rhenock in East Sikkim yesterday, died today while it was being brought to the Himalayan Zoological Park here at Bulbulay for treatment. Speaking to NOW! today, the Range Officer of Pangolakha Wildlife Sanctuary informed that on 06 May at around 11 P.M. about 05 to 06 feral dogs attacked a Barking Deer in the forest near Aritar in Rongli. The deer then strayed out of the forest where some locals and Forest officials rescued it and managed to save it from being further injured by the dogs. “Yesterday being a Sunday, we could not take it to the veterinary clinic immediately, so today, at around 6 A.M. we brought the animal to the Veterinary Hospital in Rhenock, where it was treated,” said the RO and added that after treatment the animal was being transported to the Zoo at Bulbulay to be looked after and for further treatment. Unfortunately, the deer succumbed to its wounds [the deer had bite marks on the neck and on the legs] while being brought from Aritar to Gangtok, he added. Speaking to NOW! Divisional Forest Officer [DFO], Wild Life [East] Ravi Kumar informed that in the past one week, reports of feral dogs attacking Barking Deers and other animals has risen in the state, with most of the reports coming from the East District. “It is very unfortunate that we could not save the animal that was rescued yesterday as it had fatal bites to its neck,” he added. “These dogs are left by the people once they start to multiply keeping the new ones and getting rid of the old. Then these dogs roam around in packs. We cannot get rid of them but we can bring down their population by capturing them and sterilizing them,” said the DFO and added that they had set up such a camp at the Kyangnosla Wildlife Sanctuary along with WWF and SARAH. These dogs either have rabies or some other disease so when an animal is attacked by them, most of the time the animal dies because of the injuries, he stated. “This is just one such camp we are starting where we plan to capture the stray dogs and sterilize them so that we can atleast save the animals if they are bitten and also to bring down the population of the stray dogs”, he added. He further informed that some animals such as Leopard Cats and Civet Cats were also being killed in accidents. These animals sometimes stray on to roads in the night and get blinded by the lights of the on coming vehicles and do not move away and thus fall prey to road accidents, added the DFO [WL, East]. He further appealed to the people to inform the Forest Department or concerned officials if they do spot or hear of such attacks on animals in their vicinity, so that evasive and prompt action can be taken by the department to save the animal.
Олень, спасавшийся от дикой собаки погиб в ДТП
В попытке уйти от дикой собаки, преследовавшей его, олень бросился на дорогу и налетел на автомобиль. Животное погибло на месте. В соответствии с Законом о защите дикой природы от 1972 года, водитель был оштрафован на 10000 рупий за неосторожное вождение приведшее к гибели дикого животного. A four-year-old male Sambar deer that jumped onto the road to escape from a wild dog that was chasing it, was hit by a car and killed at Puliakandi Angalakurichi in Pollachi area on Wednesday morning. According to Pollachi Forest Range Officer K. Ganesh Ram of Anamalai Tiger Reserve (ATR), C. Sekar (47) was driving a car bearing Maharashtra registration number towards Valparai. Fleeing animal He was driving past the particular point on the road just as the deer, fleeing from its pursuer, tried to run across in order to escape being attacked. In a bid to escape from the wild dog pursuing it, the deer lunged onto the road and landed on the car, damaging the side of the vehicle. The animal died on the spot. Sambar deer comes under Schedule III of the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 and the driver was fined Rs. 10,000 for careless driving causing the death of wildlife. Forest Veterinarian Govindarajan conducted a post mortem examination. Investigations are on.
После набега бродячих собак на Зоопарк Дели четыре чинкара остались мертвы Как сообщили сотрудники зоопарка, чинкара - сравнительно небольшое животное, известное также, как индийская газель, получили покусы в области шеи, плеч и головы. Все четыре - самец, две самки и теленок, умерли от шока. Зоологи также рассказали, что аналогичное нашествие бродячих собак в зоопарк было несколько лет назад и что такие случаи не являются уникальными для зоопарков. Случай в зоопарке Дели не является уникальным. В марте 1999 года, три бродячих собаки загрызли пять оленей в зоопарке Chamarajendra в Mysore. В 2010 году было целых четыре инциденты с нападением собак на оленей. В июне 2010 года группа из шести оленей была найдена мертвой в Asola Wildlife Sanctuary. По словам чиновников, нападение на животных совершили именно бродячие собаки. Они же уничтожили стаю уток в Lodhi Garden в апреле того же года. В том же 2010, две собаки проникли в зоопарк в Rajkot, загрызли одного оленя, а четырех напугали до смерти. Олений парк созданый в Meham, Haryana с целью сохранения этого вида, имел обратный эффект. Бродячие собаки совершили два нападения, в ходе которых загрызли 14 оленей, что привело к закрытию парка. О последнем нападении было сообщено в феврале 2011 года, когда две бродячих собаки вторглись в зоопарк Hyderabad и убили двух оленей. NEW DELHI: Stray dogs entered the Delhi zoo on Tuesday night, got into the enclosure for the chinkara and killed four of the fleet-footed antelopes. The dogs, two in number, were captured on Wednesday morning. Zoo sources said the chinkara, a relatively small animal also known as the Indian gazelle, were bitten in the neck, head and shoulder. All four died of shock. The carcasses were discovered in the morning. Officials are not sure how the dogs entered the premises. "It is possible that they came from the Sunder Nagar-side of the zoo, along with vehicles carrying supplies. Those come at night," said an official, adding that the zoo will conduct a probe into how the dogs got in. The antelopes were in an enclosure on one of the main roads running through the zoo, close to where the elephants are kept. Since they sometimes fight amongst each other, two of them had been locked indoors within the enclosure while four were left outside. These four - one male, two females and a calf - were all killed. Sources said there are several entry points into the zoo that the strays could have taken, including some from the Purana Qila side. They could have jumped over the wall and slipped in. Once in, accessing the chinkara would not have been hard. The enclosure has wire meshing and a dry moat surrounding it. The dogs could have climbed into the moat and jumped over the wire mesh. There was a similar invasion of stray dogs several years ago, zoo officials said. But such attacks are hardly unique to the Delhi zoo. In March 1999, three stray dogs killed five deer at the Chamarajendra Zoo, Mysore. In 2010, there were as many as four incidents of dogs attacking deer. In June, a group of six deer were found dead at the Asola Wildlife Sanctuary and forestry officials believed stray dogs were the culprit. Strays were also thought to have killed a flock of ducks at Lodhi Garden in April the same year. In yet another 2010 incident, two dogs entered the zoo in Rajkot, attacked one deer and frightened another four to death. A deer park set up in Meham, Haryana for the purpose of conservation, had the exact opposite effect. Stray dogs killed 14 deer in two separate incidents, leading to the closing of the park. The most recent attack was reported in February 2011, when two stray dogs entered the Hyderabad zoo and ate two deer.
Собаки кусают оленей до смерти
Напавшие на оленя бродячие собаки, прокусили ему горло. В связи с потерей крови, олень умер до оказания ему медицинской помощи??. Должностные лица управления лесами посетил село и провели расследования инцидента с собаками, а также с внезапным появлением пятнистого оленя в этом районе. Nagapattinam (TN), May 22 (PTI) A spotted deer was bitten to death by a pack of stray dogs at a village in the district today, officials said. The deer was chased by the stray dogs which bit its throat in Settimedu village. Due to loss of blood, the deer died before any medical aid could be given. On information, forest department officials from here visited the village and conducted inquiries about the incident and also the sudden appearance of the spotted deer in the area.
Бродячие собаки убили беременную антилопу гарна в окрестностях Индийского Технологического Мертвая 5-летняя антилопа была обнаружена в понедельник недалеко от общежития в Saraswathi. На природной территории в окрестностях института сейчас обитает около 25 особей антилоп гарна и бродячие собаки не редко нападают на безобидных животных. При этом численность собак продолжает расти. Кроме антилоп от собак страдают также пятнистые олени. Как правило, собаки выбирают одинокое животное сначала загоняют, а затем окружают и нападают на него. Копытные становятся уязвимыми для собак из-за уменьшения зарослей и вырубки деревьев при строительстве зданий. Лес стал слишком редким из-за чего оленям все труднее укрыться в нем от собак. Однако официальные природоохранные органы не считают защиту антилоп гарна столь актуальным вопросом и никаких мер пока не предпринимают. CHENNAI: A pregnant Blackbuck, a near threatened species of antelope, was found dead with its innards torn apart by feral dogs in the woody campus of IIT Madras, pointing to a decline in forest cover for wild life conservation in Guindy. The carcass of the five-year-old black buck was spotted near the Saraswathi hostel ground on Monday and was later buried by the officials from the Department of Forest, sources told City Express. Though the black buck population is on a rise in the last five years at IIT, where their numbers is estimated at 25 now, predatory feral dogs are on the prowl inside the campus preying on the harmless animal. With the population of the dogs increasing multifold, killing of herbivorous such as spotted deer and black bucks has been on the rise in the IIT campus. Lone deer are normally cornered by a pack of dogs, which surround them and then attack them. The shrinking of the habitat for deer and antelopes inside the forest force the animals to stray into areas, where become vulnerable to dogs, a source said, citing that the construction of multi-storeyed buildings inside the campus as a reason for the shrinkage in wild life habitat. “Now, the deer virtually have no thickets for hiding their fawns or even themselves. As they move in to open areas, dogs on the prowl prey on them.” However, a forest department official dismissed the mauling of the black buck as a trivial issue. When contacted, a senior official in IIT said that he has not received any report in this regard. 2011
Олененок замбара был спасен от стаи бродячих собак солдатом Индийской армии
Но одному олененку замбара повезло. Его отбил от стаи собак солдат Jawan S K Tripathi. Собаки уже успели нанести животному серьезные повреждения задних ног и ушей и намеревались разорвать его насмерть. Tripathi рассказал, что во время дежурства, он увидел, что собаки напали на олененка и бросился его спасать. Командир Col I Krishna предоставил ветеринарных врачей армии и все необходимое для выхаживания животного. Первые два дня были серьезные опасения что олененок не выживет, - рассказао Tripathi. Однако капельницы и инъекции помогли. Tripathi выкармливал олененка из соски детским питанием, так как поначалу он отказывался от еды. Tripathi ежедневно выносил олененка на солнце для принятия солнечных ванн и сидел с ним. Ходить олененок сам тоже сначала не мог. Вскоре олененок поправился и стал достопримечательностью и любимцем всего подразделения. Tripathi по праву гордится своим достижением, так как многие говорили ему, что олененок все равно не выживет. Нападения бродячих собак на оленей действительно участились в последнее время. Даже густые джунгли не позволяют животным укрыться от собак. Собаки не принадлежат к естественной пищевой цепи джунглей, они опустошают лес, уничтожая детенышей и молодых животных. А с мая по июнь, когда воды не хватает, собаки подстерегают оленей у водоемов, блокируя подступы к воде и убивают оленят. CHANDIMANDIR: It was fate's hand that saved a sambhar fawn from a pack of stray dogs at the Army's Western Command (WC) complex set in the lower Shiwalik hills near Chandigarh. The fawn, which had been surrounded by dogs and was being ripped apart, was saved in the nick of time by a jawan, SK Tripathi, from the WC Signals Regiment. The fawn had been bitten at many placed in the legs, ears and the haunches. Many fawns have been killed by dogs in the WC area. The thick jungles within the Army area provide refuge to a number of wild animals and birds but dog attacks over the past years have resulted in many deaths of these wild animals. "I was doing my duties when I saw this fawn being attacked by dogs. I rushed to save it and drove the dogs away. I informed the commanding officer, Col I Krishna, who provided all facilities to get the fawn treated by the Army veterinarian. For the first two days, it seemed the fawn would not surivive because it had got infected by dog bites. The fawn also seemed to have a weak heart and was very traumatised," said Tripathi. However, the use of injections, dressings and drips helped the fawn. Tripathi nursed the fawn like a helpless baby. An Army truck daily takes the fawn for treatment. "Like a typical wild animal, it refused to eat anything from us. However, I would cradle it in my lap and use a baby milk bottle with a nipple to force-feed the fawn. I sit with it in the sun every day so that it can feel warm and recover. The wounds are so deep that the fawn cannot use its limbs and I carry it in my arms like a child whenever we have to take it to the veterinarian or move it indoors at night,'' said Tripathi. The fawn has become a big attraction at the Signals Regiment complex and has become like a mascot for the faujis. It has many well-wishers, including senior Army officers and their wives who inquire daily from Tripathi about its well-being. The fawn allows people to pet it and does not bite. Tripathi is proud of his achievement because he refused to give up hope when many people told him initially that the fawn would not survive. Though dogs do not belong to the natural food chain of the jungle, they are creating havoc by destroying the young of wild animals. In the peak summer months of May and June when water is scarce, lean and mean dog packs wait at water-holes and encircle the pond killing fawns. While no action is taken against killer dogs, animal welfare and prevention of cruelty laws mete out punishment to those who kill dogs. Animal rights activists and dog lovers form support groups to save dogs but few lobbies exist to protect wild animals from dog attacks.
Soldier Saves Sambar Deer Fawn from Stray Dogs The Army’s Western Command Complex near the Shivalik Hill in Chandigarh has a dense forest cover area. Hence, many wild animals including Sambar deers frequent the area and are left undisturbed. But over the past few months, stray dogs have begun attacking the animals sometimes giving fatal injuries. But one baby Sambar got lucky when Jawan S K Tripathi spotted it being attacked by the dogs. “I was doing my duties when I saw this fawn being attacked by dogs. I rushed to save it and drove the dogs away. I informed the commanding officer, Col I Krishna, who provided all facilities to get the fawn treated by the Army veterinarian. For the first two days, it seemed the fawn would not surivive because it had got infected by dog bites. The fawn also seemed to have a weak heart and was very traumatised,” said Tripathi. The fawn has succumbed injuries on its legs, ears and the haunches. However it gradually began responding to medical attention and the love and care it got from all the army officials. Tripathi is especially leaving no stones unturned to care for the injured animal, like his own child. “Like a typical wild animal, it refused to eat anything from us. However, I would cradle it in my lap and use a baby milk bottle with a nipple to force-feed the fawn. I sit with it in the sun every day so that it can feel warm and recover. The wounds are so deep that the fawn cannot use its limbs and I carry it in my arms like a child whenever we have to take it to the veterinarian or move it indoors at night,” said Tripathi. The recovering Sambar fawn has become so popular in the army complex that the men treat him like their mascot. Senior Army officers and their wives enquire daily about its health, and the fawn too is growingly getting accustomed to all the attention it is getting. It allows people to pet him without biting them and especially treats the army man who saved him like family. From protecting human lives to protecting helpless animals as well, Tripathi definitely sets an example for others to follow.
Олень, зашедший в город, сильно искусан бродячими собаками
Почему олень оказался в городе неясно. Не исключено, что он не дикий, а содержался кем-то в загоне откуда убежал. Минувшей ночью оленя в городе видели несколько раз и на всем пути по городу его преследовали собаки. Только утром, одному из мужчин удалось разогнать собак, некоторые из которых вцеплялись оленю в морду и он плакал от боли. К этому времени подоспели ловцы Nagaraj, ACF Gopinath. Однако олень сразу не давался, кроме того на него опять стали нападать собаки. Пытаясь ускользнуть от собак, олень упал в канаву, откуда его и извлекли ловцы с помощью нейлоновой сети. Животное доставлено в зоопарк для лечения. DCF сообщили, что олень серьезно изранен, особенно сильно повреждены задние ноги. MYSORE: It was a lucky escape for a five-year old stag which strayed into the city on Sunday. It managed to slip away from public view many times and survived dog bites during its five-hour stay in the city from 3am. The forest officials rescued it from the PKTB sanatorium on KRS Road. The deer was sent to the Arabithittu forest area after a medical treatment at the Mysore zoo. The forest authorities are still clueless from where the deer strayed and they suspect it could have escaped from its captor or the organization that reared it clandestinely. According to Mysore division DCF Manoj Kumar, the deer was first sighted by a group of students of the Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering on the Manasa Gangothri campus around 3.30am. One of the students called him and informed about the deer. The DCF said he immediately alerted his subordinates and sent them to the spot. But by the time the forest personnel reached there, the deer had disappeared. Then the search continued. Three hours later, the DCF again got a call from Ramesh, a doctor, from Vontikoppal. It had taken shelter inside the doctor's residence. But it had fled the spot before the forest authorities, who were armed with tranquilizer and nets, reached. It was again spotted at Gokulam III stage around 6.30am. But it was attacked by dogs. Luckily, a man rescued it from the dogs. Then the deer entered the PKTB sanatorium where it was caught around 8am by veterinarian Nagaraj, ACF Gopinath and team. The DCF said the deer was exhausted and had sustained dog bite injuries on its hind legs.
Luckily for the deer, it was spotted hours before dawn and the attempts to catch it unharmed were made by the Forest Department personnel long before most citizens were out of their beds, today being a Sunday. The deer was first spotted in the campus of Sri Jayachamaraja College of Engineering (SJCE) by a student at around 3 am. He is said to have somehow obtained the telephone number of DCF Manoj Kumar and informed him about the stray deer. ACF Gopinath, along with veterinarian Dr. Nagaraj and tranquilising expert Akram, swung into action to catch hold of the 'wild' animal before the citizens could scare it. By the time the deer-catchers arrived, it had ventured into the compound of Dr. Ramesh, a resident of Vontikoppal, who alerted the Forest Department at 5.30 am. From there it trotted along the Vontikoppal main road, then to Gokulam Third Stage and entered an empty site belonging to Kuvempu Trust, where it hid in the dense weeds and bushes. It was 6.30 am by then and people started gathering around the site, eager to have a glimpse of the deer. The civilised people saved the deer from being killed by the pack of hungry stray dogs that had chased the panicky deer all the way from SCJE campus. Some dogs did manage to bite the deer on its snout and legs while some whimpered away in pain after being pierced by its sharp antlers. The deer-catchers, armed with two large nylon nets, attempted to surround the deer and catch it without tranquilising. The deer however gave them the slip and stotted away. The deer found refuge in the empty space at the PKTB Sanatorium premises along KRS road. It was 8 am. Again chased by dogs, the deer fell into a drain, from where it could not escape. The deer-catchers then ensnared it in a net, bound its limbs and took it to the Zoo, where it was given first aid treatment and set free in Arabithittu forest along Hunsur road, which is the nearest forest area to the city, close to the Hebbal Industrial Area. The time was 8.45 am. DCF Manoj Kumar, speaking to Star of Mysore over the phone, suspected that the deer might have either come from Arabithittu forest or from one of the farms or Mutts where they are being reared after obtaining permission from the Forest Department. "I regret to say that no records of the stock of deer being reared by individuals or private institutions have been maintained. But it will be done henceforth," he said and added that the male deer, when threatened, are dangerous as they attack with sharp antlers and powerful hoofs. 2010
14 из 15 оленей содержащихся в оленьем парке в Meham растерзаны собаками.
Отдел не смог даже обеспечить безопасность четырех оленей, оставшихся в парке после того, как собаки уже убили 10 оленей несколько дней назад. В связи с этим пока уволено только пять сотрудников. Любители животных были шокированы сообщением о смерти 14 оленей в парке, организованном специально для сохранение оленей. "Чиновники, которым надлежало бы действовали жестко, принимая надлежащие меры для обеспечения безопасности бедных животных, не предприняли никаких мер, и таким образом, должны быть строго наказаны", заявили в Департаменте дикой природы. Напомним, что 10 оленей недавно были растерзаны до смерти стаей бродячих собак в парке оленей. Туши животных были похоронены во дворе парка. Министр лесного хозяйства сказал, что первоночально в парке находилось 15 оленей, в том числе одна антилопа гарна и одна антилопа нильгау. 30 апреля стая бродячих собак проникла в парк и растерзала 10 оленей, после чего все они скончались. На следующий день трое сотрудников парка были уволены из-за допущенной халатности. Инспекция по охране дикой природы потребовала принять меры к защите оставшихся 5 оленей, а именно перевезти их в зоопарк Rohtak. Однако это сделать не успели. 7 мая собаки повторно проникли в парк и напали на 4 оленей, которые также погибли. Оставшийся в живых нильгау был позже перемещен в зоопарк Rohtak. Chandigarh, India It seems that the Wildlife Department in the district has not been doing its bit in view of the deaths of all 14 deer at a deer park in Meham. The department could not even ensure the safety of four deer left in the park after stray dogs mauled and killed 10 deer a few days ago. The department has suspended five employees in this connection. While animal lovers are in a shock after the death of all 14 deer in the park, established especially for the conservation of the species after spending lakhs. “Officials of the department appear to be saving their skin by putting the employees on suspension and without looking into the reasons that has turned the deer park into a dog park,” commented a local resident. “The officials who ought to have acted tough by taking proper measures to ensure the safety of the poor animals have failed to deliver and thus should be dealt with strictly,” he said. It may be recalled that 10 deer were mauled to death by a group of stray dogs recently. The carcasses of deer were buried in the courtyard of the park. After the incident, the department suspended Rajender Singh, wildlife inspector, Charan Singh, forest guard, and Randhir Singh, keeper at the park. “The department, however, remained complacent and did not repair the damaged fence which had gave in at several places and this made the dogs to reenter the park and make the remaining deer their meal,” said sources in the department. “Now, there is no deer left in this park,” said an employee. The department has now placed two other employees under suspension after the death of the remaining animals. Meanwhile, social activists and animal lovers have demanded strict punishment for the staff. ___________________ Divisional wildlife officer, Rohtak, Jagdish Chander, wildlife guard Maman Ram and keeper Ishwar Dutt and Sunder, Group D staff, have been placed under suspension and an inquiry will be conducted by a two-member team into the Meham deer park incident, where four deer died on May 7. This was disclosed by Haryana Forest Minister Capt Ajay Singh Yadav, who said the death of deer occurred due to sheer negligence of the staff. Expressing concern over the incident, he said it was unfortunate that 10 deer died on April 30 and another four died on May 7. He stated that a team comprising conservator of forests, Hisar, Vinod Kumar Jhajhria and wildlife officer, Hisar, Shakti Singh, would look into the incident and submit their report shortly. The minister maintained that there were 15 deer in the Meham deer park, including a black buck and one blue bull. He said on April 30, some street dogs entered the park and injured 10 deer, which eventually died. After this incident, Sub-Inspector Wildlife Rajinder Singh Punia, Wildlife Guard Charan Singh and three others were suspended immediately due to negligence of duty. Conservator of Forests, Wildlife, Satyabhan Singh visited the park on May 3 and instructed the staff that the remaining five animals should be shifted to the Rohtak zoo and this office had also written to the Divisional Wildlife Officer, Rohtak, on May 4 to shift the animals, but no steps were taken to ensure the safety of these deer. He disclosed that again on May 7, some dogs entered the centre and injured four deer, which also died. A nilgai was shifted from Meham deer park to Rohtak zoo. 1995-2009
Израненый собаками олень аксис спасенный тайландскими военными моряками передан для лечения в зоопарк Khao Kheow Капитан Nopadon Supakorn (на фото слева) сказал, что годовалый олень аксис был обнаружен в окружении собак со сломанной ногой и ранами в нижней части спины. Вся его морда, нос и рот были искусаны. Капитан рассказал, что на его базе военные неоднократно наблюдали, как олени спускаются с гор в поисках воды и собаки нападают на них, что не редко заканчивается травмами и даже смертью оленей. Patcharapol Panrak A young deer with a broken leg was transferred to Khao Kheow Open Zoo for treatment after it was found at Sattahip Naval Base. Capt Nopadon Supakorn, commander-in-chief of Support Division Headquarters at the base said that the chital deer, which was about one year old, had been found near the stray dog compound in Village No 2. Its lower back right leg was broken, and its face, nose and mouth were bruised. The deer was given treatment before being transferred to a veterinarian at the zoo. Capt. Nopadon Supakorn (left), commander-in-chief of Support Division Headquarters at Sattahip Naval Base talks with a stray dog officer about the young Chital deer. Part of the base abuts onto the Thoop Canal, which contains fresh and brackish water and has an area of mangrove forest. On previous occasions young chital deer have been found in this area, having come down from the hills in search of water. Some have been bitten by dogs, causing injury and even death. The navy takes care of the area and the wild animals that live there by banning hunting, and ensuring that no poaching takes place. Taweesak Bunruang, assistant director of Khao Kheow Open Zoo, said that Capt Nopadon Supakorn had notified the zoo that an injured deer had been found, and that it was being brought in for treatment. He said that the zoo was very happy to work in cooperation with the navy on this. Chital deer have a long history in Thailand, dating back to the time of King Rama V, who reigned from 1868 to 1910. HM the King imported the deer from abroad and housed them on a compound in the Suan Amporn Royal Palace in Bangkok, breeding the animal and placing herds in various parts of the country.
Самец пятнистого оленя найден мертвым в восточном Tambaram, пригороде Chennai
Тело животного было направлено в зоопарк Vandalur для вскрытия с целью установления причины смерти. На вид оленю было около четырех лет. Несколько месяцев назад в этом районе группа оленей была растерзана до смерти стаей бродячих собак. TAMBARAM : A spotted deer was found dead in East Tambaram on Friday morning. Wildlife officials suspect the animal may have been attacked by a pack of stray dogs. The deer was initially buried near the spot where it was found, but was later dug up and the carcass sent to Arignar Anna Zoological Park in Vandalur. Residents of Bharatha Matha Street in East Tambaram noticed the male spotted deer, estimated to be about four years old, lying dead. T.K.M.Chinniah, Municipal Councillor of Ward No. 11, informed police, who in turn alerted the control room of the Forest Department. An employee of the Department came to the spot, dug a pit and buried the animal. Meanwhile, officials at the Range Office in Tambaram were informed, who ordered the carcass to be exhumed and sent to the Vandalur Zoological Park for post-mortem. Officials say that the animal could have died after being bitten by a stray dog or a pack of dogs. The exact cause of death could be ascertained only after the post-mortem report. Two months ago, a male deer died while trying to jump over a gate in East Tambaram. And some months earlier, a group of deer was bitten to death by a pack of stray dogs. The pressure of space and food forces the animals to venture out, only to be exposed to the risks of such attacks.
Спасенного оленя выпустили в заповедник Balukhand - Konark
Олени регулярно заходят в поля в поисках воды и здесь на них нападают бродячие собаки. Для предотвращения выхода оленей в поля и защиты их от нападений собак необходимо строительство водоемов внутри лесных массивов. Spotted deer which stray into the fields and gets bitten and injured by dogs, are treated and released into the sanctuary. On certain occasions however the animals die. Deer regularly stray into the village area in search of food and water and get injured by the dogs. Even the villagers sometimes stab them to death. One can easily find a deer as pet in the adjoining villages close to the sanctuary. Initiatives needs to be taken to develop the habitat as there are no meadows and a few fresh water pools inside the sanctuary to accommodate deer population. Девять оленей растерзаны бродячими собаками в заповеднике Vandalur
Работники Департамента лесного хозяйства сообщили, что массовая гибель животных произошла в результате нападения на них бродячих собак. Трупы животных, семи самок и одного самца, были направлены для исследования в ветеринарную больницу зоопарка Arignar Anna (AAZP), где было окончательно установлено, что животные погибли в результате нападения собак. Животные похоронены на территории заповедника. По сообщению очевидцев, первого оленя обнаружили на территории частного колледжа. Вскоре в лесу на территории заповедника обнаружили еще восемь мертвых животных. Это здесь первый случай, когда сразу столько оленей находящихся под угрозой исчезновения уничтожаются собаками. У всех оленей была сильно погрызена задняя часть тела, у многих она была практически оторвана. Заместитель директора AAZP Debasis Jana сказал, что численность бродячих собак в заповеднике возросла, что и привело к инциденту. ''Это был явный случай нападения бродячих собак. Они охотились стаями. Все симптомы и следы укусов говорят о характерном почерке бродячих собак. Задняя часть тела была съедена собаками'', добавил он. Г-н Jana отметил, что в заповеднике большая популяция оленей и их численность стабильна на протяжении многих лет. Chennai, June 20 (UNI) In a strange incident, nine spotted deers were mauled to death by stray dogs in the reserve forest area off Vandalur, about 35 km from the city, yesterday. Forest officials said here today that post mortem reports revealed that the deers have died due to dogs bite, though initially it was suspected that the deaths occurred due to break out of epidemic among deers. The carcass of the deers -- seven females and two males -- were sent to the veterinary hospital of the Arignar Anna Zoological Park (AAZP) at Vandalur for post mortem, which revealed that the deaths had occurred due to the stray dogs bite. The dead deers were buried in the reserve forest area. On being informed by the public, forest officials found a dead deer near a private college. A visit inside the reserved forest area revealed the death of eight more deers. This was for the first time that a large number of deers, an endangered species, were killed by stray dogs. The deers were attacked in the hind portion, which were completely torn off. AAZP Deputy Director Debasis Jana told UNI today that the stray dogs population in the reserve forest areas had increased, leading to the incident. ''It was a clear case of hunting by stray dogs. They had hunted in packs, as all the deers had same symptoms and bite marks. The posterial portion had been eaten away by the dogs'', he added. Mr Jana said the deer population had increased substantially in the Reserve Forest areas over the years. Officials allayed fears of the locals about the possible outbreak of any epidemic. Бродячие собаки убили пять оленей в зоопарке
Собаки пробрались в вольер с оленями через зазор, предназначенный для слива дождевой воды и загрызли двух оленей, еще три умерли от шока. Также собаками серьезно ранена антилопа, которую спасают врачи. Сообщается, что уже поймано несколько собак и принимаются меры по заделыванию отверстий, через которые в зоопарк могли проникнуть собаки. Mysore, March 16: They came in stealthily in the night. And before anybody could act, five deer lay dead at the Chamarajendra Zoo here.No, they were not poachers, but three stray dogs. The dogs entered the deer enclosure on Monday night through the gap which was meant to drain rain water and tore apart two deer, while three other animals died of shock. Another antelope which sustained serious injuries in the dog attack is undergoing treatment. According to the zoo personnel, the incident happened when the guards, who were keeping a watch over the rare animals, left to have tea early in the morning. The dogs which gained entry through the summer palace pounced upon the deer and attacked four four-horned antelopes and an endangered chinkara deer. Veterinarians tried their best to save the injured animals, but failed.The zoo director maintained that the stray dogs gained entry into the enclosure through a tunnel dug out by hedge hogs. Corporation authorities, on information, caught a few stray dogs fromthe vicinity, he claimed. Measures have been taken to check similar incidents in the future. All the gaps around the zoo campus would be sealed, he added.
Дикие собаки нападают на оленя
As we were returning , we heard alarm calls and, Bandu the driver, dived in and went “hell for leather”, on a new trail trying to get to the spot of the call. As the vehicle was speeding, I spotted something ahead and on the right, running towards us and,shouted “Fox” ! As we slowed I saw it was a Wild Dog or “Dhole” chasing an adult deer. The pack was following close and as the deer came near us the dogs caught up with it and ….we saw the rare sight of a wild Dog Hunt in its final stages. I had the 70-200 lens on initially. This shot. Awesome and rare but gruesome sight, a wild dog hunt. They keep rotating the “chase lead” and, tire out their prey. Unlike cats which strangulate and kill before they eat, wild dogs eat their prey alive. The wild dogs indeed are, the supreme predators. All of us got shots and, Vivek shot a video of the hunt on his Panasonic Lumix. The last day morning safari Bandu gave us a replacement driver. The drive started off well actually. A Wild Dog pack had encircled a Gaur but the Gaur was too big to handle and, they gave up.
Нападение бродячих собак на антилоп
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