В ирландском городе Корк появились злоумышленники, которые натравливают своих собак на кошек.
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Уже пострадало не менее десятка животных. В основном это домашние кошки из районов коттеджной застройки, а также бродячие кошки, которых подкармливают жители.
Один такой случай попал в объектив камер видеонаблюдения и передан в национальную полицию.
Свидетели видели группу молодых мужчин, которые специально натравливали собак на кошек. Пока неизвестно делают они это с целью обучения охоте или с садистскими целями.
CATS are being used for baiting dogs in residential areas of Cork city.
The cats are being targeted in the Farranree, Mayfield, Gurranabraher and St Luke’s areas in recent weeks, with some of them torn to shreds as a result.
Pet rabbits are also believed to have been used in at least one incident.
One terrified householder has had a number of dead cats left in his garden by those engaging in the practice. CCTV of one of those incidents was given to gardaí but the perpetrator has not yet been identified.
The case was also brought to the attention of the ISPCA’s regional inspector, Lisa O’Donovan, who said baiting is being carried out as a sport in itself and also to prepare dogs for hunting.
The practice is illegal under animal welfare legislation.
Dogs including terriers and lurchers are being used for the activity, mainly carried out by teenagers and young men.
Clare Meade, owner of the Cat Hospital in Glanmire, said two cats were brought to the practice in recent days after a man who had been feeding them saved them from being used as bait for dogs.
She said: “These were stray cats and the man saw a group of men trying to kill them with dogs.” The cats were unharmed in the incident and efforts are now being made to rehome them.
In another incident, a family found a gang of young men in their garden trying to kill a cat with a number of dogs.
The cats were unharmed in the incident and efforts are now being made to rehome them.
In another incident, a family found a gang of young men in their garden trying to kill a cat with a number of dogs.
The cat was a stray and has been taken to Animal Rescue Cobh to be fostered. She had only recently given birth to kittens, who could not be found.
In yet another incident, a kitten was used as bait for dogs in another homeowner’s garden in Gurranabraher earlier this week.
Sources said that people are afraid to go to gardaí about the incidents because of fear of intimidation. The Evening Echo recently reported that a Bangladeshi family in the Mayfield area being targeted for anti social behaviour had a dead cat thrown at their door.
In August, a Jack Russell family pet called Marvin was found with his throat cut in a ditch in Ballinderry Park. He died a short time later.
The Evening Echo also revealed in recent weeks that a dog died, after its legs were hacked off and it was skinned in Skibbereen.
The ISPCA is appealing to anyone who has knowledge about the use of cats for baiting to contact the society’s cruelty line on 1890 515515.